As we are on a time crunch, I have decided to find models for my mini film instead of modelling it myself, as a car would take a long time to learn how to model and even to model itself.
I searched around for some good websites for free 3d assets, and came across one called "themodelsresource". This website stood out to me as it had lots of models from games, and I am particularly interested in the old PS look and style. I love the old grainy look that isn't in games anymore so it was nice to find a website that had models from that era.
Upon looking around the website in the PS section, I found this model of a R33 Skyline, one of my favourite cars! It was exactly in the style of what I wanted so I was super happy.

Next up it was time to find a scene. I looked at a few websites, but one stood out to me the most. BlenderKit is a website that offers free high quality 3D models and it even has its own integration into Blender, which I thought was super cool workflow wise, as it allows you to drag assets straight from Blender into your file.

Originally I found the model on the right which I thought was absolutely perfect, until I realised it was part of the subscription model that BlenderKit has. After digging around some more I found a similar version for free, and it was even a bit more low poly than the paid one, which fit better with the model of my car.
Now that I had my models, it was time to test what I had learnt so far and hop into blender!