I found this module to be quite interesting and challenging, it has made me expand my knowledge of technology while also allowing me to gain new useful skills. This module has allowed me
Exploring Brutalism
When opening the website for Arrangement Studios, I was immediately met with a stunning landscape photo which set the mood for the entire website. This photo features one of
Snapshot into the past
The world of photography has drastically changed over the last 100 years with technology constantly improving it, and this has caused our view of photography to be changed as
Finding the simple solutions to increasing workflow.
With technology surrounding us in this era the way we work has changed substantially, from people using pen and paper to make documents, sending information via
I found this task to be quite challenging at the start but once I did experiment around, I changed Graham’s code to one slightly more complex while keeping the same aspects. While
Roundhay park ARCreated with Adobe Aero
As I am new 3d modelling and the AR/VR world, I found it quite difficult to design and use Aero. I ended up with a very
Sensory overload awareness
With the project, our goal is to help those who suffer from this condition as well as spread awareness. A sensory overload can be caused by many different factors including,
The Use of AI in app development
After exploring AI and the helpful tools that it can provide to us, it came to my attention that the use of AI could make my