Module 5.2, I thought I would very much strongly dislike it because its entire focus is progress with no end, I like research, but with nothing to finalise, I thought I would
For the 6x6 brief I was drawn to highlighting something that is often overlooked, but I was dry on ideas for it.
Online, I saw this mini thermal printer which would print labels/
Augmented reality is a virtual layer over the, hence the name. The possibilities are endless since you can feasibly create anything graphically, whether its a 3D sculpture or a 2d layered
Workflow is something I never thought about, I'm all about doing something yourself, and learning through that because to me it's the best way and it's fun.
Studio Charles Villa
This website made me feel as if I was going through a point and click game where you had to find the right options to progress. is a visual coding language, which accommodates for any level of coder, allowing for a large range of outcomes from simple shapes to interactive drawings and much more.
To begin with,
On Wednesdays I participated in a workshop to explore Cinema 4D, here we learned how to make basic basic models of blood cells, and then how to have them move and interact with
After we had been shown how to animate in photoshop, I decided to look at some other apps that would allow for hand drawn frame by frame animation also.
A well known,
I actually had a little experience in photoshop animation from college, however I used it for one project very briefly so I had forgotten everything. But, I have a simple grasp on hand
For this small project I decided to focus on a kind of obscure problem neurodivergent but particularly autistic people might endure, of always feeling watched.
Not the case for every autistic person of
Sicart's book talks about how computers are used to play,
here in chapter 8, he talks about performative play. An example of this is Twitter bots that “playfully engages with Twitter”
Thinking on past projects, the one that comes to mind right away is the app branding project we did in level 4, especially because mine ended up being a really interaction based thing.