week 1
During the first week, we were introduced to the module and given a brief overview of its theme. In the introductory seminar, we explored various new technologies, which highlighted the possibilities
On Monday, the 5th, during Jon's workshop, we learned a new way to use Photoshop. In this session, we were shown various inspiring examples of how people create traditional-style animations using
To start this brief overview, I began by watching snippets of Graham's video to gather the essential information. After downloading Visual Studio Code, I imported the HTML file I had downloaded
I recently visited another website that I like. It features a Swiss-style layout, but it’s one of the most conventional sites I've encountered. The design complements the theme
56A boutique design studio based in Toronto specializing in art direction and digital experiences.56
This website has a visually clean design, which I appreciate. Its minimalism is effective, much like the
I find this website intriguing because it explores New York entirely through typography. Navigating the site is enjoyable, resembling an abstract tour of the city.
Initial Ideas
I started by reviewing the brief outcomes and highlighting several key points that caught my attention. I believed I could effectively address these using the tools available to me. In particular,
week 1
In the first week, we learned the fundamentals of Cinema 4D. We modeled a simple red blood cell using various tools in the software, such as scale, invert, and extrude. By
Jon's workshop
On Monday, I attended Jon's 3D design class, where we learnt how to animate objects to follow a specific path giving the effect of them flowing, this
Current workflow
My workflow is quite chaotic. I wouldn't say I have a set routine; I often procrastinate and leave things until the last moment, relying on deadlines as motivation to
I found this week's seminar to be particularly interesting. I often approach my workload without a clear structure, simply "winging it" and only working when motivation strikes. This
Adobe Aero and Dyslexia awareness
On Tuesday, we were introduced to new software called Adobe Aero, which combines 3D elements with the real environment to create an augmented reality (AR) experience. We were
Visual Framework
In my visual framework, I explored visuals on Pinterest and other creative inspiration websites like Behance and pieces of work I have seen that generally inspire me. I selected difference and
My wayfinding project had significant room for improvement in the first year, regardless of new technologies. With the rapid advancement of technology in recent times, as highlighted in the seminars, I realize I