Augmented Reality Intervention (AR)

Adobe Aero is an exciting piece of software that allows you to create whatever you want and see it come to life in your every day surroundings by just using the camera on your phone. I followed the brief and used the subject from my previous project to have a public display of how words may look to Dyslexic people. I thought that this would be quite an eye opener to some people who don't understand the extent of this neurodiversity.

I enjoyed this process and can see how it would benefit a lot of artists who want to make their art come to life, I had a go at doing a drawing for an image anchor as that's the only option I hadn't experimented with yet. I chose to use a 2 of spades card as the background image my drawing had to be on. I used Procreate to illustrate two cats playing table tennis with the two spades. I loved the outcome. However, next time I would want to take this further and see how I could possibly make it move as if the game of table tennis was actually happening.