I will look at how art is made throughout Leeds and how a lot of people overlook it without thinking about how it makes their day brighter or more pleasant. I will use photographs of street art around the Headingley area to make a collage showing the art that people overlook, which will be the cover to a hypothetical book about the history of Leeds which I will make in order to show off the overlooked while using graphic design techniques to show off my skills. I had originally planned to do a full photo book but I realised that there was no way that I would have enough time to be able to do this so I eventually came to the idea of making a book cover instead.

I will make a few different collages to include within the book cover and then choose two which look the best. I will also edit the scans of the collages in Photoshop to make the colours bolder which will make the book cover design more successful and eyecatching.