Adobe Aero

I wanted to look at the making of the Broadcasting tower, but originally I wanted to do an experiment critiquing it. I went the opposite direction ultimately and decided to research the awards around it and the making into it, to see WHY it won awards.

I decided to use the form of the building as a sort of infographic, I imagine that some outside the uni are curious as to what it is. So I had an idea about a QR code that could be posted around key viewing spots for the building which would present the building as an infographic board.


I’m quite happy with the idea its self, how it would work is a different story, I think this type would be far too small to view from different angles and from different distances. Truthfully I don’t really know how to work aero, it seems to be in beta because there was no type tool to put bodies of text, instead I had to insert PNG’s from illustrator. 

Edward morrell

Edward morrell

I like graphics and painting.