5.2.4 New Technologies 6 × 6 Briefs

5.2.4 New Technologies 6 × 6 Briefs

I decided to Design for Connection and Digital Fabrication for this mini project. I have chosen these two because I would really like to experiment with Adobe InDesign and would like to link personal experience and give individuals a chance to connect with other people with similar experiences.

My idea is to create a digital and physical magazine that can be accessed online and in person. Within the magazine, I would like to talk about people's experiences with race and conflict, giving them a voice and connections to individuals. From this project, I may also experiment with giving more design coding and even try out animation for more of a design connection.

Elishiah Emambocus

Graphic design connects human history: with cave paintings to digital modern-day designs as every individual has an innate want and an innate need to show other humans things that they’ve experienced.