5.2.3 Identifying Workflow Enhancements

5.2.3 Identifying Workflow Enhancements

I would usually start a design task by reading the brief and highlighting the important parts, this often helps me focus on what I need to do as sometimes I get confused with the amount of words in the document. I often encounter difficulties when it comes to the overview as I get easily confused with all the different small briefs and don't always pick up what we are doing straight away.

A solution to this problem would be to carry on highlighting and picking out the important parts but then instead of taking it upon myself to try and figure it out in my head, I could use resources around me such as using different browsers or looking back on CAGD to deal with this issue. A tool I could use would be iA writer as it removes all distractions and keeps you in the flow which would be extremely helpful for me to use as a person who gets easily distracted. This shortcut removes the tabs, commands and groups also known as the ribbon. It also has a focus mode which helps you concentrate on your current sentence by making the opacity of the previous text lighter. This would improve my time management because sometimes I can muddle up lines when reading and then that takes me all the way back to the start.

iA Writer also has another really helpful feature called style check which cuts out dull language, cliches, redundancies and filler text. This would be beneficial to me as I am always adding extra words that I don't necessarily need which ends up making my text difficult to read. I do believe that all design tasks start off with reading, writing and gathering research. It is probably the most important step in any design task which is why I am now going to use tools online to improve my workflow. Before the seminar on workflows and resources I wasn't aware that there were so many different interfaces to help you develop your work. It's allowed me to spot my weaknesses and make improvements in my way of working for upcoming projects. Hopefully now, i'll be able to stop for a minute and plan out my steps before just diving into the deep end.