5.2.2 Reflective Exploration of Emerging Technologies

5.2.2 Reflective Exploration of Emerging Technologies

The project I want to look back and reflect on would be the 4.4 module task where we had to design an app for our chosen brand and make it into a prototype on Figma. Looking back at this, I have realised that I could've made it more interactive and fun especially as my target audience is generation X. One technology I could've used to retain user attention would be to add AI features to the customisable sandwich section. My idea would be to have the fillings dotted around the room in different places ready to collect by opening your camera and moving it around to locate the filling you want to add into your sandwich.

After finding the stuffings and toppings, an option of different sandwich breads will appear for the user to choose from. After selecting your chosen option, the sandwich will start to make itself on the camera when pointed at a flat surface. I think that this would really add to my app as it makes it interactive and unique.

This would've made my final outcome much different and a lot more advanced because the use of technology shows that I am keeping up with the modern world and understand the wants/needs of my target audience. The outcome would've improved not only interactivity but, engagement and user experience too.

AI could do many other things for my app as well as improving the accessibility features, it can help make my app much more inclusive. For example, adaptive interfaces for the visually impaired users or text to speech options which would lead to my sandwich shop app having a competitive edge by offering features competitors might not have.

Overall, reflecting on how adding technology can possibly improve an app has influenced me to go above and beyond in future projects as sometimes I can open a piece of software, for example Cinema 4D and feel really overwhelmed so back away from that option. However, reflecting on my app and coming up with new ideas has inspired me to not shy away from technology in future projects as it is becoming a beautiful and inclusive thing to use.