

4 Iterations of my generative code written in Processing

By putting up billboards throughout Leeds that highlight the distinctive ways that neurodivergent people think and process the world, I am elevating the voices of under-represented individuals. With assistance from Graham and some ChatGPT, I've used my own coding skills to create randomly generated graphics using the coding platform 'Processing' which we have earlier used and I found it was a great tool. The phrases "DIFFERENT," "MINDS," and "THRIVE," which are arranged in different random orders on these billboards, all emphasise the beauty of neurodiversity. Additionally, the background colours are chosen at random, illustrating the dynamic yet unpredictable character of neurodivergent thinking.

In the lower left corner of each image is the hashtag #DIFFERENTMINDSTHRIVE, which encourages users to post about their own experiences on social media. Every time the hashtag is used, a new image is produced, resulting in a vibrant, constantly changing celebration of how diverse brains not only think but flourish. I'm honoured to contribute to the creation of a more inclusive world by highlighting the diversity of views that are frequently overlooked through this project.