This is a website i find to be very fun and expressive. The idea that a website can have a style unlike the average website is a trait I think has largely been fazed out in the modern climate. I love the throwback to old style UI's and how interactive the various styles are. I also like how it challenges the modern principle of form over function via the throwback. I only wish there were more styles to have a play with and it is a great idea.
Yusuf Nuur
Hey, I'm a graphic designer open to learning new ways to hone my skills at Leeds Beckett University.
5 min read
6 x 6 - tarot card
Chosen brief: Generate something new
Starting this project I already had a brief idea of what I wanted to do but not which brief and outcome they would fall under. I decided to
3 min read
Immersive technologies
Going into the workshops my understanding and knowledge of AR and all immersive technologies was next to none. I had tried a VR headset but that's about it. When Graham led
3 min read
Experiencing projection mapping
One of the first tasks in the 5.2 module was to reflect on a previous project and explore a new technology would could have been incorporated theoretically. I chose and researched projection,